Conficius võiks seletada miks silmnähtavalt kasutatakse kummalisi numbrikombinatsioone.
We can think of a lot of things that might send someone to jail, but guessing wrong about an earthquake has never been one of them. Six scientists in Italy were probably thinking the same thing until a judge put them in prison for six years.
Six Italian scientists and a government official have been sentenced to six years in prison over statements they made prior to a 2009 earthquake that killed 309 in the town of L'Aquila.
A year-long trial came to a close on October 22 with the verdict, which alarmed earth scientists worldwide
Ehk siis 6 teadlast + 6 aastat vangistust + 09 (tagurpidi 6) toimunud õnnetus = 666. Hukkunuid 309. Kohtuotsus 22.10 (22 ilmutuse kuupäev).
Teine teema Lance Armstrong. Võidud 1999 - 2005 - 7 tiitlit.(2+0+0+5=7).
Jaapani tsunami 3/11 Kaksiktornid 9/11
Neil Armstrong Apollo 11 spacecraft on the moon July-07 20, 1969
Ja kõige huvitavam: tänase finantsi alustala Federaal reserv saab nn. maailmalõpupäeval 21-dets. 99 aastat vanaks. (tegelikult 23-dets - kuid siin arvestatud täpne aeg 99 aastat).
2 kommentaari:
Conficius võiks seletada miks silmnähtavalt kasutatakse kummalisi numbrikombinatsioone.
We can think of a lot of things that might send someone to jail, but guessing wrong about an earthquake has never been one of them. Six scientists in Italy were probably thinking the same thing until a judge put them in prison for six years.
Six Italian scientists and a government official have been sentenced to six years in prison over statements they made prior to a 2009 earthquake that killed 309 in the town of L'Aquila.
A year-long trial came to a close on October 22 with the verdict, which alarmed earth scientists worldwide
Ehk siis 6 teadlast + 6 aastat vangistust + 09 (tagurpidi 6) toimunud õnnetus = 666. Hukkunuid 309. Kohtuotsus 22.10 (22 ilmutuse kuupäev).
Teine teema Lance Armstrong.
Võidud 1999 - 2005 - 7 tiitlit.(2+0+0+5=7).
Jaapani tsunami 3/11
Kaksiktornid 9/11
Neil Armstrong
Apollo 11 spacecraft on the moon July-07 20, 1969
Ja kõige huvitavam: tänase finantsi alustala Federaal reserv saab nn. maailmalõpupäeval 21-dets. 99 aastat vanaks. (tegelikult 23-dets - kuid siin arvestatud täpne aeg 99 aastat).
Olles lugupidav malesuurmeister L.Olli vastu, avaldaks siiski kummalised numbrid.
Lembit Oll (23. aprill 1966 Kohtla-Järve – 16. mai 1999 Tallinn). Elas 33 aastaseks.
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